Every CEO and Business Leader who has too much on their plate needs to know this! Burnout is REAL! This time tested, step-by-step leadership recipe will help you reverse it and create sustainable success…

The Secret Recipe

Banish Burnout For Good!

In this powerful infographic, Annie Hyman Pratt teaches you the 5 essential ingredients that every Entrepreneur, CEO and Business Leader needs to build their High-Performing Team. Keep this handy!

Use this recipe daily to easily motivate and empower your team to produce more results with less stress, while also creating a culture where everyone loves their job – including YOU!
This is a key teaching element of Leading Edge Teams
Follow this step-by-step guide to…
Annie Hyman Pratt, Executive Consultant, CEO & Founder of Leading Edge Teams, Author & Speaker, The People Part

Annie Hyman Pratt

CEO | Founder | Executive Consultant
Author The People Part

Annie started her business education around the dinner table, hearing her mother and father talk about their business, The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf. Annie worked behind the bean counter in her teen years and then went to college at nearby UCLA, where she graduated with a degree in Economics/Business. She then worked with one of the prestigious Big 8 accounting firms in Los Angeles, doing business valuations and becoming a certified public accountant. Her solid grasp of accounting and finance was a key advantage throughout her career.


At age 22, Annie took the reins and became the CEO of her family business. A trailblazer for women in business, she more than 10X’d the business to 70-plus stores, and then led the company through a highly successful sale.

After the sale of The Coffee Bean, Annie moved into interim C-suite executive work and top-tier business consulting. She became an expert in guiding companies through rapid growth and complex turnarounds while working within diverse industries. Annie’s experience with so many different types of entrepreneurial businesses is especially rare, giving her a unique understanding of what it takes to succeed and how The People Part plays a greater role than ever.


Annie’s specialty in The People Part was further cultivated through her study at the University of Santa Monica, where she learned what it really takes for human beings to transcend their “quick to judge” and self-protective nature and instead work together to reach their full potential.


Whatever challenges you may be facing in your business, Annie has likely already seen them—and solved them.

Some of Annie’s current and past clients include high-level entrepreneurs and businesses like:

Jeff Walker (Product Launch Formula), Fatburger, MOCEAN (a creative entertainment company that works with Disney, Sony, Warner Brothers, Netflix, Amazon, and other studios) , Dave Asprey (Bulletproof Coffee), Stu McLaren (North Results), Susan Pierce Thompson (Bright Line Eating), Ryan Levesque (ASK Method) and Reid Tracy (Hay House).


This is a key teaching element of Leading Edge Teams
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Reverse Burnout and Build Emotional Endurance

For You and Your Team!


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