Annie Hyman Pratt
Executive Business Consultant
Author | Speaker
CEO | Founder
What is Annie’s area of expertise that
draws groups to invite her as a speaker?
Annie smiles and thoughtfully answers: “Hmm… Why do I get invited to speak? I think initially it’s the vast “business part” of my experience with my own company at an early age, and my work with many types of other companies and industries. Teaching and developing strategies and structure for entrepreneurial business, finance and operations; my executive coaching and my reputation for developing leaders.”
“I’m invited to speak because I appreciate that entrepreneurs are awesome world changers, but really, most don't know how a business should be set up to function well and thrive through the up and down cycles. Of course, it’s necessary for them to be caught up in their vision, and tasks; execution is on them in the early stages of a business. The reality is that the foundational business elements that support how to sustain a business, how to adapt to change, and how to hire and develop a team are non-existent (many tell me they had no intention of working with a team).”
“That says it all; how to move the business through successful stages of growth are not something they know. They need what has taken me decades to learn. So… even though infrastructure is a huge piece that I speak about, they really need to learn how to create a culture with a team and one where people perform better. The people part is just not as easy as it may seem. We only know what we know!”
“I’m repeatedly told, ‘I don’t have a team,’ or ‘Maybe I haven't hired the right team,’ or ‘Maybe I don't know how to train them right,’ or ‘I just don't know.’ They don't really know what they need to do that could actually bring their business to the next level. Their next step is all about a team to support their vision, and understanding the importance of how team development is what ‘gets them out of the weeds’ and beyond.”
“I think if you asked 100 entrepreneurs their greatest challenge, the vast majority of them would say ‘I’m stuck in the weeds.’ When I speak to groups, they are made more aware of the importance of putting the “people part” of my teaching into effective action. For many individuals and entrepreneurial groups the necessity of having a TEAM is new news, and how to make it happen, even bigger news!”

(Ask questions or invite her to speak through the contact form below.)
Annie Hyman Pratt’s audiences relate to her vast amount of experience—because at every age and stage, business was her teacher. As a teen she worked hands-on in the family business. After graduating Phi Beta Kappa, Magna Cum Laude, from UCLA in Economics/Business, she then received her CPA and took a position with a big Los Angeles firm. Shortly after, Annie was needed for the CEO position of the family business, where she 10x’d their number of stores—The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf—taking it from seven domestic “Mom and Pop Coffee Shops” in Southern California, to an International Brand of 70+ stores, all in seven years’ time.
She then led the company through a highly successful sale, after which she spent the next two decades as a top-tier executive business consultant specializing in “Rapid Growth and Successful Change.”
Annie is known as a master at developing leadership and teams (“the people part”), while working with companies to put the all-important infrastructure in place that drives consistent growth and profit, amid efficient and energetic business operations.
Annie describes the companies she works with like this, “I work with entrepreneurial companies who need to develop the “people part,” a cross-functional team that can help them grow their business. A team can start with just one person and move to hire more people for specific roles. Companies need me to make sense of it all; I bring calm to their chaos.”
Her distinct emphasis on the “people part” and strategic business planning, tools and methods ultimately free the Owner/CEO, so that he/she can spend time on the strategic and creative planning that propels the company vision forward. Annie knows that for all business leaders, avoiding burnout is key to having a satisfying, successful company and career—and she has proven processes that support CEOs/leaders and propel them forward to achieve their vision for their company, which includes time for a personal life.
Inviting Annie to speak launches groups into discovering fresh, clear and innovative ways of relating to one another in the workplace, whether working online or in person. She has worked with over 100 companies—in diverse industries—guiding them through virtually every challenge and growth stage imaginable. Her track record of success stems from her unique approach to business strategy and structure, and her intense focus on the “people part” since that is the glue that holds it all together.
Whatever challenges you may be facing in your business, Annie has likely already seen it—and solved it. What are the needs of your group? Annie welcomes your inquiry about a speaking engagement—she will happily customize presentations to meet the current needs of CEOs, key leaders, team, group or industry.
The essential “People Part” of business coaching is what sets Annie apart from other business coaches. She creates remarkable transformation within companies, including the ability to blend confident leadership with compassion and authority.
She encourages and enlightens groups when she speaks on the interactive “People Part” present in every business culture. She knows CEOs must eliminate the habit of “wearing all the hats,” and carrying too much responsibility to the point of reaching burnout.
After hearing Annie speak, audiences go from feeling their circumstance is difficult and draining, to realizing how to take steps toward feeling more fulfilled and productive, individually and as team members. From there, Annie shows teams how to align to drive desired results.
Invite Annie to speak to your group. Please submit the form below. Whatever challenges your group may be facing, Annie is prepared to hear all about them. Inquiries are welcome.

Invite Annie to Speak

Annie Hyman Pratt
Executive Consultant
CEO & Founder of Leading Edge Teams
Author & Speaker, The People Part