The ‘A+’ Leader Development Program & Mastermind is a year-long training program in which Annie and her team train your key leaders to step up, take ownership of, and drive the operations of your business—helping you achieve your planned goals.


Non-Profit Organizations

Organizational Leadership


Non-Profit Organizations

Organizational Leadership

This program is right for you and your team…

If your business has become
too dependent on "YOU"

If managing your team feels
like another job in itself

If you're ready to have a team that....

If you're ready to have a team that....

Barbara Schindler, Executive Coach, Entrepreneurial Consultant, COO of Leading Edge Teams

Schedule a complimentary
"Discovery Call"

Why this program works

Annie Hyman Pratt, Executive Consultant, CEO & Founder of Leading Edge Teams, Author & Speaker, The People Part

The ‘A+’ Leader Development Program and Mastermind is designed to give CEOs and executive leaders the freedom to work ON  business strategies – while team members take over operations that drive goals, growth, and profit.

In our program, key leaders develop the skills, competencies, and behaviors necessary to take full responsibility for business operations. This leadership approach drives  team members forward to consistently deliver high level, sustainable results. Owner/CEOs learn to let go and trust that things will run smoothly… even when they’re not around. 

Our ‘A+’ Leader Development Program and Mastermind​ takes the pressure off CEOs by developing key leaders, step-by-step. We teach them how to effectively lead and manage team members, both in the business and people part. All roles (including CEO) learn to focus energy on their identified functions and what matters most.

Let’s face it… as an entrepreneur, you didn’t go into business thinking, “I better hurry up and learn how to attract, retain, lead, manage, support, train, and develop a high-performing team.” (Even though you probably know that your team is the SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT ELEMENT to your long term success.)

Our purpose and passion is to provide the expertise and support businesses need to achieve the kind of team transformation that entrepreneurs almost never achieve on their own. This gives leaders  the confidence to let go of the reins and focus time and energy on the things that expand a company’s vision… and really move the needle!

Leading Edge Teams Training -Barbara Schindler and Heather McGonigal on Laptop
Leading Edge Teams Training - Annie Hyman Pratt, Barbara Schindler and Heather McGonigal on Laptop

A+ Leaders that have been through the program say…

This training program is what we needed to grow and develop a successful organization of happy team members who are living their mission in the world and who are having a big impact, reaching outcomes, creating great results, and who are really delivering. We’re super happy with not only the results, like the actual revenue and the numbers side of things, but with what we've accomplished. We're also really happy with the culture, the team that we've created, because you need both, and Leading Edge Teams have been a really big part of helping us to create what we now have.
We've really improved, not only our team, but the overall reliability we have in each other. We trust that we have our positions and our roles and we can do what we need to to really grow, both the CEO, myself, and the rest of the staff.
What makes this program different is it actually teaches you from the human perspective how to treat business relationships. And that, to me, is even bigger than the nuts and bolts. It's the relationships with people that really carry a business for a long time.
One of the most shocking things that came from really putting myself out there and really just digging in, investing in the forward thinking, was the lack of resistance that I got when I presented a fully developed plan.
Pie Chart: Business Success: 60% The People Part, 20% Business Goals & Plans, 20% Functions, Systems & Processes - Leading Edge Teams

Building a high-performance team begins with developing your KEY LEADERS —

These are the leaders who can take meaningful responsibilities off your plate, deliver results, and lead, manage and develop others to do the same. But developing leaders and team is the type of competency that most entrepreneurs do not possess—if they did, they probably wouldn’t be entrepreneurs. At the same time, poor leadership and an undeveloped team is a show-stopping limiter of growth for these companies. However, most entrepreneurial companies can’t afford the custom consulting work and PHD level trainers that can actually get results.

We developed our ‘A+’ Leader Development Program and Mastermind to address exactly this entrepreneurial company need. It’s a cost-effective, twelve-month training program in which we (Annie and the training team) teach key leaders to step up, take ownership of, and actually drive the operations of the business—while also learning to lead, manage and develop a team.

Leadership is best learned in an interactive setting, where registrants share experiences with others in similar roles; they learn from real life examples, while also gaining valuable outside perspectives not available in their day-to-day role. At the same time, leaders receive individualized support to address their specific needs and business situations.

Therefore, we’ve organized the ‘A+’ Leader Program into the following THREE major components:

Group Curriculum Teaching and Tools

We deliver the program virtually, through a structure of classes, hot-seat sessions, group implementation sessions and virtual summits. The ‘A+’ Leader Program curriculum covers fundamental business strategy, infrastructure, leadership & team performance, including:

Individual Executive Coaching

Each student receives monthly one-on-one Executive Coaching, plus additional sessions for urgent and high stakes issues, with our highly experienced coaches who are business leaders themselves. We’ve found that coaching support and direction greatly accelerates leaders’ ability to integrate and apply their learning to their own unique and specific company situations.

Peer Mastermind

The Mastermind Group component of the program offers an incredible opportunity for leaders to engage with peers who are in similar roles from companies at similar stages of growth, and often in related or complementary industries. The collective learning, creative problem-solving and support in this type of network is often available to CEO’s, but rarely to entrepreneurial business leaders. We are delighted to offer this learning and connection.

0 Years Strong

The ‘A+’ Leader Development Program and Mastermind is a proven program going into its ninth year. This program enrolls almost exclusively through referrals, and open spots are limited because of the high renewal rate. We are happy to meet with anyone interested in learning more about the program and if it might be a fit for your leader(s) and your company.

Schedule a complimentary
"Discovery Call"

'A' plus Leader Development and Mastermind chart - Leading Edge teams
Barbara Schindler, Executive Coach, Entrepreneurial Consultant, COO of Leading Edge Teams

Is This Program Right For You?

The relationship piggybank: Leading Edge Teams
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