Mindful Leadership: Empower Your Best Self

Mindfulness begins with you and is all about you. It is time for yourself, with yourself. At Leading Edge Teams, we are honored to raise your awareness to the benefits of MINDFUL LEADERSHIP, a nonjudgmental, present-moment, mind-heart consciousness. It is a quiet experience, and an appreciation of your inner self.

Mindfulness quiets the noise allowing time and space to listen to inner guidance. Mindfulness is resting. Mindfulness is living in the present-moment. It is an acceptance of your feelings, thoughts and sensations. Mindfulness brings forward the potential to become the person you want to be, developing the best version of yourself. Tying this into your work life, it influences self-leadership, your choices and your role, giving you a significant impact on others.

As we introduce MINDFUL LEADERSHIP to you, we ask that you courageously welcome the benefits it offers you: Manage stress. Neutralize judgment. Increase compassion (toward yourself and others). Pause and observe. Regulate emotions to avoid reactive behaviors. Increase confidence. Clarify thinking and actions. Become centered in your secure self through mindfulness practice. There really are no limitations; much is available to you when you choose to embrace and make the most of this practice.

The shift to mindfulness encourages and welcomes expanded awareness of inner interpretations. By expanding your secure self, we encourage you to intentionally release expectations of perfection and judgment of yourself and others. Mindfulness makes space to expand your perspective of the possibilities today holds.

And as you abandon previous habits of behavior not beneficial to you, welcome learning how to stay present in your best self in an imperfect world full of imperfect people. Appreciate what is available to you right here, right now. Live in today’s present moment, not in regrets of yesterday and not in concerns of tomorrow.

"Enhance the freedom of being authentically you, right here, right now"
Barbara Schindler, Executive Coach, Entrepreneurial Consultant, COO of Leading Edge Teams
Barbara Schindler
Leading Edge Teams Executive Coach and Consultant

Benefits of Mindful Leadership

SEEDS of MINDFUL LEADERSHIP are spread to those in your sphere of influence each day. Again we welcome you to take a fresh look with us as we further our journey into MINDFUL LEADERSHIP. Let’s get on with it!

Begin to SEED: Your journey into a mindfulness practice will SHIFT, ENHANCE, EMPOWER, DEFINE your best self. It will further your secure self, propel confident business leadership, and build trusted relationships within your organization.





Today and each day going forward, it’s your choice to put mindfulness into practice. We provide the foundation for you to develop your inner self into your best self, through our CCORE Empowerment Process which we teach and refer back to frequently. This provides guidance and steps toward being able to rest in and achieve a solid foundation in MINDFUL LEADERSHIP.

Rooted in Leading Edge Teams’ CCORE EMPOWERMENT PROCESS, we raise your awareness to default human wiring, which is great for saving us from immediate physical danger. However, the innate human protective defaults of fight, flight, flee or freeze, are not so great for the challenges you typically face in consistently being your best self in business.

The CCORE EMPOWERMENT PROCESS is an internal process that helps you recognize what self-protection looks like in yourself and in others. Making the most of this process is not limited to your professional life, it benefits your personal life as well.

The CCORE process, the steps, once learned and practiced, bring self-awareness and sound habits of behavior that model MINDFUL LEADERSHIP to others:

Clarify the situation

Choose your impact

Observe your thoughts and feelings

Release judgment to compassion

Engage your secure self

Clarify the situation
Choose your impact
Observe your thoughts and feelings
Release judgment to compassion
Engage your secure self
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