Beyond Goals: Unlocking True Success by Defining Who You Want to Be
How do you turn your business vision and annual goals into a reality? It's Annie and I’m glad you stopped by. It’s a new year, and clients are asking how to best define what they want to accomplish this year. What is the most effective way to set their yearly leadership and business goals? […]
Read MoreTake a Deep Dive into Business Problems to Find Solutions
Hey, everyone, it’s Annie again! Do one or more of these business problems hit a nerve? Ignoring changes in the external business environment Vague business purpose Unclear branding Not meeting the needs of your target audience Ineffective, long-term business plan Lack of technology learning and upgrades Little investment in employee skill development Ongoing need for […]
Read MoreDamage Control: Managing Your Own Reactions for Team Success
Are emotional reactions interfering with collaboration and effective leadership within your company? Hi everyone, Annie here. I know from decades of experience that the “people part” of business is too often ignored. My team and I focus on it, which is what sets us apart from many business consultants and coaches. If you already know […]
Read MoreRenegotiating Expectations in a New Reality
Do your current business expectations make you cringe? Expectations! It’s a word with profound meaning to all of us, professionally and personally. Do you feel stuck in some of your current expectations? Does thinking about them even make you cringe? I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately myself. For sure, expectations have a big […]
Read MoreMastering Project Charters for Efficient Resource Management
Do your projects often go off track, requiring last-minute changes? Do you define what your projects need to be successful? Does everyone know? Hey, it’s Annie! To save you from learning the hard way, I want to share something that took me more than 10 years to learn as a young business leader. Interestingly enough, […]
Read MoreNavigating Traumatic Business Events Through Difficult Times
Hi, it’s Annie! I’m glad you’re reading this blog on how to “Survive and Thrive after a Traumatic Business Event” since they are, unfortunately, super common right now. With the economy turning down, inflation is up, and it seems like one thing after another. It’s a turbulent time, but you can survive it. Change & […]
Read MoreClear Company Values Drive Success
Hi everyone. Annie here. Just the other day, Heather McGonigal (our program director and executive coach extraordinaire) and I were having an interesting conversation about leadership and teamwork. Company values in the workplace came up, a hot topic these days. And it’s a frequent point of discussion in our coaching with clients. Anyone will tell […]
Read MoreReinvent Yourself As A Business Leader: Find out why… and how…
To reinvent yourself as a business leader is an inside job. Believe me, after decades of consulting and working with leaders at every level in companies, it’s the same for every leader. You have to do the inner work—and only you can do it. Reinventing is all about how you see yourself and the world, […]
Read MoreHow To Manage Your Business Life Tension
Tension has an upside and a downside—both impact your business success How do you manage your business life tension? That may feel like the million dollar question. TENSION is a little word with a huge impact. On the upside, it fills us with feelings of anticipation, surprise and expectation. It helps us achieve goals and […]
Read MoreSystems & Processes
Systems and processes are tedious for some and an intriguing pursuit for others. I’m sure you know which category you fall into! Either way, people run the systems and processes; they stand still without human beings. It is uncomfortable to admit it, but In business, some things took me 10 years to learn! I’ve been […]
Read MoreCOMPASSION—Essential Key for Today’s Entrepreneurial Leaders
Are you curious about how to give compassion in your workplace? Compassionate leadership improves performance and relieves pressures in ways that may surprise you. Let’s define compassion: it is sympathetic consciousness, an awareness and empathy toward someone else's state of mind or distress regarding a situation or another person(s). Compassion is a desire to openly […]
HEY, BUSINESS LEADER, WHICH ARE YOU? DO YOU GIVE CONTROL OR TAKE CONTROL? To empower leadership, successful business leaders must learn to be okay with less control, but at the same time that does not mean people who work for them do whatever they want. Leaders learn to let go, as teams are trained and ready […]
Read MoreInterrupt Your Emotional Reactions: Pause…
One of my very favorite authors, Viktor Frankl said: Between stimulus (trigger) and response there is a space. In that space is where we have the power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom. This quote means everything in business leadership. The space between stimulus and our response is […]
Read MorePROTECT Your Confidence to MAINTAIN Team Confidence
“Protect Your Confidence” is a phrase that is a familiar one to most entrepreneurs. It comes as no surprise that to succeed in business entrepreneurs must show up in a good, confident place. They must be ready to engage with intentional choices and behaviors like: critical thinking and the ability to assess risks, weigh options, […]
Read MoreLeading Through Crazy Business Cycles
Business cycles can be crazy-making for you and your team. The good news is you can confidently find your way through all of them with a clear perspective and a unified team. You can lead through crazy business cycles! Yes, I hear you! It is challenging. But none of us get to control the external […]
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