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The Business Part -People Part Model: achieve your business goals - Organizational Structure - Strategy, Cross-Functional Execution, Specific Tasks -Leading Edge Teams

The Game Has Changed


As seasoned leaders, we intimately understand the challenges and triumphs of leadership. Unlocking your true potential as a business leader involves mastering inner skills and cultivating outer capabilities—truths and teaching that we're eager to share with individuals like you.

In today's business climate it takes more than business skills. It requires mastering both the business part and the people part to thrive. You must build a team of high-performing leaders!



Together with you, we identify organizational needs, changes, and challenges, what's working and what's not. We develop a strong, functional leadership platform in two parts—your business and your people. Both are vital to your longstanding business potential.

Leading Edge Leaders

We develop professional business leaders that excel in the People Part and thrive in ongoing challenge and change – giving them the critical edge that businesses need to succeed today, tomorrow and into the unknown future.


We emphasize hiring the right people for the right job, with each person's role being clearly defined. Continuously developing each individual's skills and their growth in self-leadership, helps to produce team innovation and collaboration that achieves the strategic goals of the business.

Leading Edge Leadership Teams

We build professional leadership teams that fully operate the business while also driving growth, innovation and sustainable success so that Entrepreneurs and CEO’s can exit the weeds and focus on the strategic and creative parts they desire.

Reinvent Your Business by Reinventing Yourself as a Leader

At Leading Edge Teams, we focus on business development and sustaining long term success, and how to achieve that without burnout and team walk out. What makes us unique is that we focus on the steps to increasing confident self-leadership, development of business and team, while recognizing the essential “people part” that drives growth and stability.


Step 1

Create Your Visionary Master Plan

If you’re a company that is functioning without strategic planning and annual goals… now is the time to start. Read more.

Step 2

Develop a Leading Edge Leadership Team

When you make the cross-over from working as an individual to a business owner and leader, then you …. Read more.

Step 3

Build an Infrastructure Designed for Success

Structure and processes are very important. In fact, there’s a principle in psychology that the more …. Read more.

Reinvent Your Business by Reinventing Yourself as a Leader

Annie Hyman Pratt and Leading Edge Teams' executive coaching staff are masters at developing leaders, teams and infrastructure that drives business growth—so entrepreneurs can do the strategic and creative parts while also having the time, freedom, and positive impact they desire.

Leading Edge Teams provides entrepreneurs and companies team leadership development programs and executive coaching in groups, one-on-one, online and in person. For over a decade, they have an unparalleled track record of helping businesses achieve massive, sustainable, team-driven growth.

Reinvent Your Business by Reinventing Yourself as a Leader

Annie Hyman Pratt, Executive Consultant, CEO & Founder of Leading Edge Teams, Author & Speaker, The People Part

Annie Hyman Pratt and Leading Edge Teams' executive coaching staff are masters at developing leaders, teams and infrastructure that drives business growth—so entrepreneurs can do the strategic and creative parts while also having the time, freedom, and positive impact they desire.

Leading Edge Teams provides entrepreneurs and companies team leadership development programs and executive coaching in groups, one-on-one, online and in person. For over a decade, they have an unparalleled track record of helping businesses achieve massive, sustainable, team-driven growth.

Take this short quiz and discover YOUR Leadership SuperPower!

Discover your leadership superpower. Self-Leadership Assessment Quiz Quadrant: Squad Leader,Trail Blazer, Professor, Ship Captain - Leading Edge Teams
Being in the 'A+' Leader Program is magnificent. I am tapped into a whole network of CEOs and Operations Managers who I can now call upon when things get crunchy. I feel so much less alone and so much more supported.
Sage Levine
CEO / Women Rocking Business
When the CEO and I speak now, I volunteer more of my creative thinking about what I think we should be doing as an organization to become strong and work in a cemented cohesive way.
Lionel Church
COO / The Food Revolution Network
I would say that being in Annie's programs is grounding. It helps me to gain real traction with the most critical issues as an organization, which are the cultivation of the team which can turn great ideas into effective action.
Ocean Robbins
CEO / The Food Revolution Network
Having the structure to have difficult conversations, having the formats to hold people accountable, all of those tools are things that when we did not have we were winging it. Now it feels like we really have time tested tools.
Lisa Sasevich testimonial - Leading Edge Teams
Lisa Sasevich
CEO / The Invisible Close

“Annie’s approach to managing people has transformed our business here at Hay House and my life as CEO. Let her help you and your business too.”
— Reid Tracy, CEO of Hay House, Inc.

“You Can't win the game without passing the ball.”

Pass it on cartoon: "Golly, why didn't I think of that" - Leading Edge Teams
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Step One

Create Your Visionary Master Plan

If you’re a company that is functioning without strategic planning and annual goals—now is the time to start. If you already have a strategic plan, is it a living document that directs action and influences change, or is it simply a big task you do once a year that sits stagnant? 

Does the whole team know about it, or only a few?

Your success depends on where you stand in relation to the business outcomes you achieve. Every facet of long term results starts with your strategic plan.

You need to know the outcomes you are going for, and your strategic plan is your clearest roadmap.

As you and your team align around your strategic plan, it is a powerful shift in your company culture.

Your business plan helps your team better understand their role. It gives them working context. People need to know “the why” of what they’re doing; this empowers their individual problem solving, from small tasks to big projects.

The whole point is to empower others, increase their self-leadership, so they take action toward results.

You want to develop your team toward competence, so they are proactive, productive, and satisfied. 

As teams align, they increase individual confidence and ability to prioritize tasks and functions. 

The ongoing goal is to efficiently provide the necessary information and skills, so that each team member is able to confidently work toward the company’s overall intended outcomes.

Big results, that’s what we want for you!

Step TWO

Shape Team & Culture to Maximize Outcomes

When you make the cross-over from working as an individual to an effective business owner and leader, then you learn to rely much less on your personal effort and accountability for long term success.

You start to rely more on how you’re going to accomplish work through others you train and trust. This is a necessity to sustain growth and to achieve your much-needed business results. 

In our fast-paced, ever-changing world, you must work to develop your emotional endurance, and that of your team, so that you consistently make high stakes moves together.

Hiring A-Players and shaping an ACE Team of people (Alignment, Conscious Agreement, Effective Action) are  the main mechanisms for working successfully together. Retaining this level of talented people, with an emphasis on self-leadership, is what you need to help implement your biggest vision. 

You, as a business leader, must create the conditions in your culture for your people to utilize their skills and talents; a company where they can share their most critical thinking, with the freedom to take courageous action. You can learn to let go and rely on your team’s strengths, alleviating the overwhelm and burnout CEOs/owners often face.

Building a high performance team and healthy business culture is paramount. Even in complex business circumstances, you have choice and can take actions to move your business effectively forward. 

We can help. 

Step three

Build Infrastructure to Sustain Growth

Structure and processes are very important. In fact, there’s a principle in psychology that the more structure and process you have, the less emotional and reactive the work environment.

Many entrepreneurial companies begin with a big vision, but without an overall business structure or team in place, so the business will reach a point where it can no longer scale. 

To scale a business, means that there are strategies for growth that align with the original vision

(e.g. The vision and purpose, business plan, solid products or service, team, processes and operations, agreement and delegation training and skills, communications, marketing, mindful critical thinking, decision-making, self-leadership and human behaviors.) 

All of these come together to sustain company success.         

Having the “business part”structure, systems, and processes help you and your team advance your company in a rapid and sustainable way.

Many entrepreneurs don’t know all that they need. We train and support CEOs and teams as they plan and build the infrastructure that promotes and sustains growth. This also includes the “people part,” of the team. They need defined roles, and opportunities to grow in responsibilities and self-leadership. These are all vital to a company’s success. 

We are experts in developing entrepreneurial companies. Contact us and we will begin to help build your infrastructure. Step-by-step, we will help you put all the layers in place.

We want to be of service.