Leadership is Calling Episode #54
Annie Hyman Pratt & Heather McGonigal

Can “Good Enough” Be the Key to Success?


Tired of feeling overwhelmed in your business? Struggling to prioritize goals and navigate the current market uncertainties? In this conversation, we discuss the crucial skill of “good enough” and how it can unlock business growth and success.

In the ever-changing business landscape, particularly during times of uncertainty, it’s crucial to adopt a pragmatic mindset and focus on what truly matters. This insightful discussion delves into the importance of embracing the concept of “good enough” when resources are limited, setting clear and achievable goals aligned with available resources, and cultivating business maturity by thinking realistically about challenges and opportunities. Discover the art of prioritization, strategic resource allocation, and the power of grounding your entrepreneurial endeavors in reality. Unlock the secrets to success by mastering the ability to focus on what matters most, while letting go of unrealistic expectations that can hinder progress.

Learn how to:
– Set clear and achievable goals.
– Effectively analyze your business numbers.
– Resource yourself and your team for optimal performance.
– Thrive in an uncertain economic climate.

Key Points
  • Embrace the concept of “good enough” when resources are limited.
  • Set clear and achievable goals aligned with available resources.
  • Develop a realistic understanding of what can be accomplished with current resources.
  • Learn to prioritize tasks and allocate resources strategically.
  • Adopt a pragmatic approach to business decision-making.
  • Cultivate business maturity by thinking realistically about challenges and opportunities.
Related Resources

Leadership Skills: The Business Part
Leadership Development Articles: Renegotiating Expectations in a New Reality  |  Adapt and Flex to Achieve Your Goals: The A to V Business Model
Downloadable Leadership Tool: The Key Basics of Agreements

Meter of Certainty - Leading Edge Teams

Auto-Generated Transcript – unedited version

Can “Good Enough” Be the Key to Success?


So I wanted to ask you. I thought we had a really good client call the other day, and I got to sort of be mentored by you in that call. And I thought there were some things, you know, sort of I learned from you this week that I would love you to share in a broader way.

So, you know, we’re in the first quarter of 2024, and this is a time of year where people, you know, they’ve just wrapped up the previous business year. They’re thinking about the year ahead. So they’re looking at their goals. They’re thinking about their business just naturally this happens, you know, sort of at this time of year. But also, like in the current business environment, you know, I was reflecting on that and thinking that the way people think about their business and the numbers and the health of their business matters even more today. Would you agree or…Well, yeah, would…Well, yeah, I definitely want you to talk about that because that actually came up with me with someone this morning in entrepreneurial businesses.

And sorry for interrupting, but this is just such a nugget. I don’t even want to wait. But like you taught me, I think in the beginning of working with you, a new way to think about how when good enough needs to be good enough. Because in entrepreneurial businesses, by our very nature, we’re always doing as much as we possibly can with not enough resources. Right? And so we have to get comfortable with this level. It really is good enough that I can speak for my own personal experience. It is uncomfortable if you’re someone who is a high performer and wants to do well and you know, there’s another level of good available, but it’s really not because of the business.

So could you talk a little bit about that, this picture to like the black customer level? Yeah, know the new. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yes. Right, right. Yeah. Not Atlas Heart but another one or Atlas lets her. Yeah. I think. Yeah. And if they were probably to look at it, she’d be like that in and her team like, that’s kind of embarrassing. We wouldn’t do that like that day. But that book was perfect at that time for where she was and it was successful.

And we have to burst that thing so that, you know, the next levels in the next place come right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, go ahead. Sorry. Right. As team members, we often get in this predicament, and I want to make sure that people really see it and try to apply it to whatever their role is. Because I think kind of what you’re talking about with the business picture, then everyone in the business always has to mature to the next level of how we hold things and how we think about things.

So with the smaller scale book, in your example, that’s not going to make a lot of money. That’s kind of big going to be maybe if something changes along the way and I need more time and resources for the big book, but I can’t actually get any other way that I would be bringing up to my supervisor. Hey, can we push out the pub date of the little book? Because we really got to give more resources to have blockbuster hits, for example. So I have to grow up if I’m the team member in how I think about that. So I know even what to bring forward. And also I know that the higher levels in the organizer version, they also have an advanced business level to not think like no, you just have to do. We have to do all of it. We just have to do all of it, right? This is the advanced business skill to really be able to to think about these things in this nuanced way.

Yeah. And I think, as I mentioned to you earlier this week, that people know when they have stuff on their plate they’re not getting to. So that causes stress and it kind of drains your energy anyway. So and in a way, this other level of business maturity too, is really, really thinking realistically. As you said, you’re a resource and like thinking realistically about that and then you’re learning how to keep doing that at the next level with other people as well. When you’re looking at the business numbers and the business picture.

And then we’re also saying to our audience today that if you’re worried about what may happen in 2024 or 2025 because the market, the environment seems a little more uncertain, knowing your numbers and knowing what that means and knowing how to resource yourself in your team really is a number one focus. I don’t know if you would say it’s the number one, but it’s a very, very important word. But yeah, yes.

And thinking about it this way, you know, Annie, thank you for your time.

And I want to wrap this up today for like the people, everyone who might be listening and have you ask us more questions in the comments so we can get Annie to share more with you about business thinking. But these key things definitely are the upper level and having clear goals and then knowing how to resource those goals is way different than I thought. Like the last thing that you were describing. If we don’t have that, it’s more business through wishful thinking, you know, and, and happy visioning, but not, you know, reality. And we want you to be grounded in reality so you can succeed.

Great topic today. Thank you.

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